Office of Student Affairs
Directives for Borrowing and the Management of
Boiler Room and Pantry in Building M45.
Approved in the Meeting of Center of Student Well-Being on 4th August 2022
- Objective: The Center of Student Well-Being (hereinafter referred to as "CSW") establishes these guidelines to maintain the management and use of boiler room and pantry.
- Scope and Purpose: The boiler room and pantry include the physical space and the use of tables and chairs. Within the working hours and without affecting administrative operations, internal departments of NTU may borrow this area for tour guide in boiler room, small meetings, with a maximum borrowing duration of 3 hours.
- Borrowing Procedure: One week before the borrowing date, the requesting unit should fill out the application form of borrowing the space with stating the purpose of the activity and submit it to CSW. Upon approval from CSW, the temporary access card will be issued on the borrowing day, allowing access to the space. In case of urgent borrowing needs, it may be discussed separately.
- Instances of Non-Approval or Termination of Borrowing:
- Ineligible Unit: Non-campus units or departments, unauthorized transfer of borrowed space to others, or those who had previously borrowing privileges terminated but failed to stop immediately or violated borrowing regulations, will be listed by CSW as ineligible for further borrowing.
- Disruptive to Office Operations: Activities with excessive noise or equipment that hinders administrative work despite persuades.
- Inconsistent Content: Activities conducted that do not align with the originally approved activity description.
- Inappropriate Content: Commercial activities (involving money or sales transactions, etc.), political activities.
- Unlawful Behavior: Actions that pose safety concerns, violate laws, public order, good customs, or university regulations.
- Damage to Public Property: Intentional destruction of public property or the use of high-power equipment that may cause damage to electrical equipment.
- Borrowing units must adhere to the following guidelines, violations of which will result in their inclusion on the ineligible borrowing list:
- Proper Maintenance of Equipment: Users are responsible for compensating any damages caused by improper use. If equipment is found to be defective or damaged before use, it should be immediately reported to CSW for handling. Failure to report and continued use resulting in damages or further deterioration will incur compensation or repair responsibilities.
- Poster Placement: Posters should be affixed using adhesive tape that leaves no residue on glass surfaces. Do not post on surfaces or walls that may be damaged. Users will be held responsible for compensation or repair for any surface or wall damages caused.
- Power Lines: Altering existing equipment or unauthorized connections or modifications to power lines is prohibited. High-wattage devices or overloading electrical equipment are also not allowed. In the event of damages, users will be responsible for compensation or repair.
- Restoration of Original Condition: Within 2 hours after the activity ends, the space should be restored to its original state. Any garbage or waste should be properly cleaned up.
- For any matters not covered in these guidelines, relevant laws and regulations and other university rules will be followed.
- These guidelines are approved by the administrative of CSW and will be implemented from the date of publication.