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同學若有任何需要諮詢、協助之處,可以詢問系所導師與系上的關懷導師,也可以就近走入院內專屬空間與學輔中心的學輔專員聊聊天(。如果你有些煩惱,或希望調整生活習慣,發揮內在潛力,可以預約或walk in學生心理輔導中心(,中心內也提供許多心靈成長相關書籍、期刊雜誌及漫畫等與大家分享。若同學在校園中遇到緊急事件,請通知校安中心(3366-9119)或駐警隊(3366-9110),兩個單位皆為24小時服務。若需要看病,校內就有保健中心,出示學生證掛號只要50元(。若有申請獎助學金或其他經濟需求,可詢問生活輔導組(。





The Office of Student Affairs provides many resources and supports, including financial support, campus adaptation, health cares, dorm services, extracurricular events support, event spaces rental services, career counseling services, and pandemic control and prevention notices.

For more information, please go to our website:

We also provide a graphic school resources map:

If you need consultation or help, you are welcome to seek out the faculty members in your department or walk-in for a talk with the consulting specialists of the Center for Student Well-being ( You can also seek help from the Student Counseling Center to have individual counseling (

If you run into emergencies on campus, you can call 3366-9119 for the Student Safety Center and 3366-9110 for the Campus Security; they can be reached 24/7.

If you feel sick, you can go to the Health Center on campus ( To make an appointment with your student ID card will only cost 50NTD per appointment.

If you need economic supports, the Student Assistance Division also provides many scholarships and financial supports (

If you are wondering about future paths, the Career Center is here to help (

If you are interested about the clubs and school events, the Student Activity Division provides information (

If you want to participate in big events, the NTU Art Festival is recruiting new members (

If you have any question regarding the dorms, you can ask the Student Housing Division (

If you are an overseas student, you can seek help from the Overseas Students Advising Division (

If you are an indigenous student or interested in the culture, you can participate in activities and events held by Indigenous Students Resource Center (

If you are a student in College of Medicine or College of Public Health, go to the Downtown Campus branch for information (!

Overall, we aim to help you as much as we can, and we hope you can find the resources and supports from us, the Office of Student Affairs.







